Saturday 24 October 2009

Ukraine - People’s Assembly Supports Tymoshenko For President

KIEV, Ukraine -- On October 22, the All-Ukrainian People’s Assembly took place in Kiev with the participation of 1,960 delegates from all oblasts of Ukraine, AR Crimea, and the cities of Kyiv and Sevastopol. They represent 3,720 national, regional and municipal organizations, civic associations, political parties, charitable foundations and artist groups.
The delegates passed a unanimous decision to support Yulia Tymoshenko’s candidacy for president of Ukraine."The All-Ukrainian People’s Assembly agrees that the only person that can lead Ukraine out of the crisis and defend it national interests is Yulia Tymoshenko. And that’s why the Ukrainian public supports Tymoshenko’s nomination for president of Ukraine," said the head of the forum’s coordinating council Serhiy Sobolyev.Tymoshenko thanked the delegates for their support. "The elections will take place and I believe that together we can make Ukraine better…and I have believed this since the moment I came to power," she said."We will build a true civil society if we can establish reliable communication that is not ephemeral and declarative, but that actually works, starting with local government officials up to the Verkhovna Rada," she said.According to Tymoshenko, the first step that needs to be made is for NGOs to delegate their leaders to government posts, starting with local government and up to the parliament. "Starting with local government elections, there need to be open lists that allow anyone to make it onto this list. And I believe this is the answer," Tymoshenko said.She proposed introducing a system of open lists for regional elections that "will work locally even without relevant legislation because today it will be difficult to secure such legislation."Finally, Tymoshenko suggested a new principle for forming the government. She believes that following the presidential elections, a new government should be formed on the basis of public discussions,"Before appointing each minister we need to gather the professional and public organizations working in this field and selected the smartest minister through a vote," she said.Tymoshenko assured that "The first thing we will do after the presidential elections is appoint a new cabinet and I think it will be the most honest appointment ever in Ukraine."

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