Sunday 19 June 2011

Ukrainian News: Ukraine, China agree on opening Ukrainian Consulate General in Guangzhou

The Cabinet of Ministers and the National Council of China have agreed to open a Consulate General of Ukraine in Guangzhou (Guangdong Province, China), the press-service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine told Ukrainian News.

"Kostiantyn Hryschenko, minister of foreign affairs of Ukraine, and Yang Jiechi, minister of foreign affairs of the People's Republic of China, on June 18 signed an agreement on behalf of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and the Chinese government to establish the Consulate General of Ukraine in Guangzhou," the statement said.

The agreement reflects mutual desire to develop bilateral relations in economy, culture, and deepen friendship between the two nations, the press-service said.

The document was sealed within the framework of the official visit of Chinese President Hu Jintao to Ukraine.

As Ukrainian News reported, Ukraine's Ambassador to China Yurii Kostenko said the Consulate General of Ukraine would be located in the Guangdong Province with the population of more than 100 million.

The province accounts for 25% of the industrial output of China.

The functioning of the consulate general in the province will facilitate solutions to a number of legal, trade, economic and other questions.

Ukraine deems promising the cooperation between Donetsk region and the province of Guangdong.

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