Friday, 21 January 2011

Ukraine Will Not Demand Information About AIDS From Foreigners

KIEV, Ukraine -- Ukraine has abolished the obligation for foreigners to provide a certificate of absence of HIV/AIDS in obtaining a Ukrainian visa.
Appropriate changes to the law on prevention of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) cases and social protection of population have taken effect.

This rule has long been considered discriminatory in the world and was cancelled by almost all civilized countries.

Overcoming it is a significant step forward in protecting human rights and reducing discrimination towards people living with HIV/AIDS, says a statement by the all-Ukrainian network of people who live with HIV/AIDS.

Ensuring the confidentiality of a HIV-infected person is another significant addition of new legislation.

If earlier information on a HIV-positive status of a patient could be transferred to other health professionals, now it can be done only with a written consent of the person and as part of employment duties (in transferring the patient to another doctor).

This is a particularly important innovation to protect people in small towns, where disclosure of information would lead to its leakage outside the medical establishment and instant dissemination across the town or village.

The result is a complete loss of normal life for the HIV-positive person due to actual trying to isolate this person from society despite scientific evidence that HIV is not transmitted through everyday contact.

Earlier, the World Health Organization, United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS and UNICEF issued a report, according to which Ukraine could have from 160,000 to 190,000 people who need anti-retroviral drugs, namely, drugs that give patients the opportunity to lead a normal life.

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